You have found us. We are a secret group of crack birders who have turned our backs on the machismo, corruption, and backstabbing greed that constitute today's birding scene, and have united together to follow the True Path of non-competitive, collaborative and generally lovely birding-as-meditation-and-spiritual-growth. Consequently, we never see anything. Birds that land right in front of our noses, and which we can identify with our observer book, are written about here. Oh, and they have to be seen in - or from - the parish of Winterton-on-Sea, Norfolk, or on the walk round past East Somerton Church ruins and up the concrete track to Winterton Holmes (because it's a nice walk which we all do).
Saturday, 29 May 2010
29th May 2010
Up to four Yellow Wagtails along the "Pallid Track" and a very vocal Cuckoo down Low Road.
Friday, 28 May 2010
28 May 2010
A Sedge Warbler was chuntering in the hedge along Low Road this evening.
Two Nightjars churring just south of the concrete blocks.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
25th May 2010
A tantalising female Red-footed Falcon flew through at about 08.50 this morning. Unfortunately after crossing the dunes it flew out to sea, gained height and eventually disappeared as a minute speck in the distance, heading north-east.
Monday, 17 May 2010
14 May 2010.
Red Kite,north dunes south,Hobby,2 north dunes,Purple Sandpiper,on groynes,north dunes,
Hobby,2 north dunes.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
15 May 2010
The Woodchat Shrike is STILL here. Little else this morning - Cuckoo calling close to the village and a Lesser Whitethroat in the valley.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
6 May 2010
Very little migration today in easterly winds. A trickle of Swallows and Linnets but very little else. The Ring Ouzel was still present and 2 Purple Sandpipers were on one of the rock reefs. Yesterday's Cuckoo was still present and was joined by a second which resulted in a territorial battle of "cuckooing".

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
5 May 2010
Much better conditions today (a light north-easterly wind, later turning easterly, and mostly clear skies). Good passage of hirundines between 0545 and 0900 including over 80 Swallows, a few Sand Martins and, later, a few House Martins and Swifts. Linnet passage was again notable and they were joined by a sprinkling of Goldfinches and two Yellow Wagtails. A Ring Ouzel was still in a field just north of the concrete blocks and a Hobby drifted inland. Out to sea a few Gannets moved south with a handful of Common Scoter, a few Guillemots, a Red-throated Diver, 4 Little Terns and at least 2 Common Terns. However, the highlight was a Cuckoo that gave excellent views as it headed south along the top of the dunes.
Th walk back produced at least 2 singing Garden Warblers along Holmes Road.
Terry and Tim
Th walk back produced at least 2 singing Garden Warblers along Holmes Road.
Terry and Tim

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
4 May 2010
Another early morning start for Terry and Tim in marginally better conditions (but still with a moderate north-easterly and the odd shower) produced 2 Hobby, 2 Ring Ouzels, 2 Northern Wheatears, a Common Buzzard, 4 Common Cranes, 2 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Common Terns, 2 Guillemots, a Jay, 3 Swallows, 2 Swifts and a Sand Martin. Linnets were on the move in large numbers - 392 were counted flying north - along with 24 Goldfinches. A singing Reed Warbler was in a ditch along Holmes Road.
Terry (and Tim)

Terry (and Tim)

Monday, 3 May 2010
3 May 2010
An early morning vigil at the north end of the parish (at one point involving a flock of 3 spotters) produced a single Ring Ouzel, 3 Wheatears, a few Whimbrel, 3 Gannets and a Kittiwake. Visible migration was very light in the strong north-north-easterly winds.
2 May 2010
The Woodchat Shrike showed well between 6pm and 7pm in the valley in between sheltering from squalls and dogs.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
1 May 2010
Other sightings - I met Tim at the northern boundary just in time to see the wing-tagged Montagu's Harrier make its way south from Horsey and later return northward. Tim also recorded 2 Garden Warblers and 1 Reed Warbler along the Holmes road as well as 9 Wheatears, 2 Whinchats and a Grey Wagtail on the north dunes. Posted by Ted 03 May
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